CampusCard versions
Personalised CampusCards for students
Personalised CampusCards, which serve as student ID cards, are issued to students enrolled at the University of Passau. The following data will be printed on the card during the personalisation process:
- Photo, family name, given name and title: Your personal data will be retrieved from the Campus Portal. You can upload your photo when you request your card in the Stud.IP card portal (CampusCard icon). Your photo should be in colour and of sufficiently high resolution.
- Matriculation number: Additionally, your matriculation number is stored on the chip and printed on the front of the card.
- Card number: This identifies the card itself.
- Valid-until strip: You must validate your CampusCard at a validation terminal at the start of each semester. Validation is possible from 10 days before the start of the semester. The old valid-until date is deleted and overwritten during the validation process.
- Library user number: Your eleven-digit library user number is generated when you apply for the card and is stored on the chip. It is printed as a barcode on the reverse and in the upper stripe of the card.
Personalised CampusCards for University staff
University staff are issued the staff version of the personalised CampusCard. The following data will be printed on the card during the personalisation process:
- Photo: Please submit your photograph when applying for the card. While having your photo printed on the card is strictly voluntary, opting not to provide one means you will need to show an additional photographic ID when borrowing books from the University Library.
- Your full name and title will be sourced from the central human resources systems.
- Card number: This identifies the card itself.
- Library user number: Your eleven-digit library user number is generated when you apply for the card and is stored on the chip. Moreover, it is printed as a barcode on the reverse and in the upper stripe of the card.
- Staff who are simultaneously enrolled as doctoral students and who have opted for the employee card can apply for a supplementary paper-based student card (to be used as a bus pass) for each semester at the Student Registration Office.
Alternative media: non-personalised cards for specific functions
An alternative medium is any document that is not a personalised CampusCard. This includes the white copy card, the green library card and the paper "leporello". The non-personalised white copy card is only available to university facilities and services. The green library card for doctoral candidates can be applied for at the service counters of the university library.
Personalised CampusCard for honorary members

A personalised CampusCard is given to honorary members (honorary senators, honorary citizens) of the University of Passau. Honorary members are exclusively appointed by resolution of the Senate. The CampusCard for new honorary members is presented by the president of the University at the annual Dies academicus.
The following data will be printed on the card during the personalisation process:
- Photo: Honorary members should provide their own photo for the card. While having your photo printed on the card is strictly voluntary, opting not to provide one means you will need to show an additional photographic ID when borrowing books from the University Library.
- Honorary title: The honorary title identifies the bearer as an honorary senator or honorary citizen of the University of Passau.
- Family name(s), given name(s), title: Your personal data will be stored on our central systems when the CampusCard is issued.
- Card number: This identifies the card itself.
- Library user number: Your eleven-digit library user number is generated when you apply for the card and is stored on the chip. Moreover, it is printed as a barcode on the reverse and in the upper stripe of the card.