CampusCard for students
All students enrolled at the University of Passau are entitled to a CampusCard, which, in addition to being an ID card for University purposes, serves as a semester bus pass for the buses in town and offers additional functionality on campus. The following groups will receive a CampusCard:
- Students (including enrolled doctoral students)
- Exchange students
- ERASMUS students
- DAAD students
How (and when) will I get my CampusCard?
Please apply for your CampusCard in the card portal in Stud.IP (click on the "CampusCard" icon).
The card will be printed by the Student Registration Office after the application has gone through. As soon as your card is ready for collection, you will receive an e-mail notification in Stud.IP.
You can then pick up your CampusCard at the Infopoint on the ground floor of the Administration Building (Innstrasse 41) during the opening hours. Please bring a printout of your receipt confirmation(Empfangsbestätigung) as well as your official photographic ID (e.g. passport) with you when you collect your card. Your receipt confirmation will be sent to you in Stud.IP.
Please make an appointment if you cannot come in during the regular Infofpoint opening hours.
Important information for new students starting in summer semester 2025
The distribution of CampusCards for new students starts on Monday, 31 March 2025. Please go to the Infopoint on the ground floor of the Administration Building (Innstrasse 41) to pick up your card.
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 14:00 and Friday from 9:00 to 12:00
Please bring a printout of your receipt confirmation (Empfangsbestätigung) as well as your official photographic ID (e.g. passport) with you when you collect your card.
If you have any questions you can contact the CampusCard team by phone on +49 851 509 1127 or by e-mail at
All CampusCard-related enquiries should be made at the Infopoint on the ground floor of the Administration Building.
You can – in exceptional cases and only upon prior arrangement – ask someone to fetch the CampusCard for you. To do so, you will need to authorise that person to act on your behalf. Your authorised representative must identify himself or herself by means of an official photographic ID and show the following documents:
- The signed receipt confirmation printed out from Stud.IP (this must be signed by you as the card applicant)
- A copy of the identity page of the your (card applicant’s) passport (EU nationals can scan their national ID card)
- Written authorisation signed by you (card applicant)
Please remember to validate your card at the start of each semester. Validation stations are located at the following sites:
- Administration Building foyer (Innstrasse 41)
- Refectory foyer (Innstrasse 29)
- Business Administration and Economics Building, (WIWI, Innstrasse 27)
- Nikolakloster Building (NK, Innstrasse 40)
When you put your CampusCard into one of the validation terminals, it will get a new valid-until date printed on, while the old valid-until date is deleted. Without a valid-until date your CampusCard will not be accepted as an ID card for use in examinations or when using the buses in Passau.
First-semester students can validate their CampusCard as soon as they receive it.
Students in their second or higher semester can validate the CampusCard for the next semester from approximately 10 days before the start of the semester.
Card functions
- Semester bus pass
- Access pass for the underground car park
- University Library Card
- Payment function
- Building/locker access card